Physosetgia Virginiana Rose Bouquet Perennial


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Late summer flowering border plant. Strong upright spikes of closely set pink-lilac hooded snapdragon-like flowers.’Bouquet Rose’ _ ‘Bouquet Rose’ is a vigorous, upright, bushy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrowly lance-shaped, toothed, dark green leaves and dense, spike-like racemes of tubular, two-lipped, rose-pink to lilac-pink flowers from midsummer into autumn.’Bouquet Rose’ _ ‘Bouquet Rose’ is a vigorous, upright, bushy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrowly lance-shaped, toothed, dark green leaves and dense, spike-like racemes of tubular, two-lipped, rose-pink to lilac-pink flowers from midsummer into autumn.’Bouquet Rose’ _ ‘Bouquet Rose’ is a vigorous, upright, bushy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrowly lance-shaped, toothed, dark green leaves and dense, spike-like racemes of tubular, two-lipped, rose-pink to lilac-pink flowers from midsummer into autumn.

9cm Perennial

Position: Sun, part shade,  well drained soil

Flowering: July  to September

Height: 90cm (36”)

Spread: 60cm (24”)

Planting: Water well before planting and until well established

Care: Feed in Spring with general fertiliser


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